It seems my real hgh quality life started in 2007, when I won the First Step to Success contest. Then feelings were incredible, as I met famous women-leaders successful in professional and social life; I received knowledge for my further development and, in fact, today have result, - Evelina Gurnytska, 2007 program winner, tells her story

New competitions and proposals in the section «USEFUL INFORMATION FOR GIRLS»

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Address: 27, Chornovola str., office 221, Kyiv 01135
Òel.: (+380 44) 507-06-10
Anna Kononenko: 
068 9102489 

CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2011-2012. FRIDA Young Feminists Fund

FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund mobilizes resources, funds and strengthens the participation and leadership of young feminist activists globally. The goal of The Young Feminist Fund (FRIDA) is to provide accessible, strategic and responsive funding for young feminist-led initiatives, and to strengthen the capacity of young feminist organizations to both leverage their own resources and increase their social change impact. FRIDA invites applications from groups led by young women and transgender youth under 30 years for grants of up to
USD 5,000.




Who Can Participate?

Informal and formal groups founded and led by young women or transgender youth (under 30 years) that are committed to:

§         Advancing and defending women’s human rights;

§         Improving the lives of young women/transgender youth at local, national, regional or international levels;

§         Inclusive organizing, collective action and movement building.

§         Informal and formal groups, networks, or collectives based in the Global South (Africa, Asia and the Pacific, The Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean and Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States). 

Priority will be given to:

§         Small, emerging grassroots groups, networks, or collectives with little or no access to funding from larger donors.

§         Groups, networks, or collectives that are working on emerging or issues that otherwise get limited funding.

§         Groups, networks, or collectives located in remote underserved areas.

§         Groups, networks, or collectives that are diverse in their membership and made up of and/or working with socially marginalized young women including but not limited to: refugees, ethnic, national and caste minorities, rural women, urban poor, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, women living with HIV/AIDS, sex workers, women with disabilities, women living in armed conflicts and post conflict zones.


Who is NOT supported by FRIDA?

§         Groups or organizations that display an intolerant attitude towards others on the basis of identity including age, religion, sex, race/ethnicity, disability, class or sexual orientation.

§         Groups working with young women and transgender youth but led by adults (over 30 years of age).

§         Scholarships, internship or school fees

§         Doctoral or other research

§         Groups with access to large funders

§         Proposals submitted by individuals, government institutions, political organizations or religious groups.

Funding Amounts and Length of Grant 

FRIDA provides grants of up to USD 5,000. They are general support grants to be used over a period of 12 months but are open to renewal.

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