Program participnts attended the meeting of successful women-politicians of Ukraine and abroad
May 30, 2012
First Step to Success Program participants communicated with successful women of Ukraine and from abroad
Participation of women in Parliamentary elections 2012 in Ukraine
In recent two days in Kyiv there was a kind of forum of successful women, within which there was a round table conducted in the Parliament of Ukraine on May 31, 2012. It was entitled «Participation of women in parliamentary elections-2012 in Ukraine». The main goal of this event was to discuss practices of increasing the level of women's participation in elections, including women-candidates and women-voters: raise public awareness of importance of women's participation in politics on the eve of elections to the Parliament of Ukraine in 2012; inform all participants of elective process about women's interests and their expectations of elections and selected leaders; continue discussion on introducing voluntery quotas inside parties; acquaint political leaders of Ukraine, public officials and NGOs representatives with respective international experience in strengthening women's role in politics through their participation in elections.
Besides, we'd like to pay attention to one of the events within the Forum, where representatives of First Step to Success Program were invited. Natalia Kryvoi (2008), Lyubov Bagatska (2008) and Kateryna Shykova (2011) visited informal meeting. At the event the girls were presented by Natalia Karbowska, Board Chair of Ukrainian Women's Fund. In this informal environment girls were able to communicate and get closer acquaintance with successful women, who work on gender problems, as well as acquire certain experience from them.
This meeting was very usweful, as where else one can hear valuable advice from women who know HOW.
by materials of Lyubov Bagatska